
Malaysia is under attack

Refering to the report:

I believe Malaysia has redefined the terms "extremists" and "terrorist". The recent desecration of churches, gurdwaras and now, mosques, have just proven what extreme measures these individuals are willing to do to ensure this country falls into racial and religious distrust. They are hoping that Malaysia falls into chaos so that they may openly threaten the lives of those who are aren't on their side, and at the same time, come up and "reveal" themselves to be the heroes of the day.

Malaysia, don't fall into this trap.

PDRM, we need your help. Get those perpetrators and ensure Malaysian citizens can calm down.
These people are the real traitors of Malaysia. Every single day that passes double the threat to Malaysia's security in all aspects, especially these: social, economic and political.

Social: Malaysians now can no longer have a peace of mind. The question on everyone's minds is "Who's next?". Distrust of each other has heightened. No one is sure of who is the wolf in sheep's skin. I believe the brain drain in the near future will escalate, simply because there isn't a sense of security.

Economic: Investors now would think twice about investing in this country. Those who already invested in the country may consider pulling out. No one can predict whether the next May 13 incident will happen again. Not to mention those who migrated (current and future) will no longer contribute signicantly to the country's economy.

Political: Need I mention the implications of this matter? Malaysia has to get her house in order before "assistance" is "offered".

Malaysia is not yet in deep trouble. However, Malaysia will be if these fiery remarks from prominent "leaders" keep stoking up the negative feelings of all Malaysians.

I've said it twice and I'll say it again: MALAYSIA, DON'T FALL INTO THIS TRAP. 
This is the time we have to rise up against those who wish to do Malaysia harm. Not fall into their trap to make us kill each other. These people are like vultures: scavengers waiting for the right time. Don't give them that satisfaction.


God: Can He create a rock so huge He can't lift it?

My junior (Mathilda) and I were just talking on this subject earlier. It was a question posted by her friend, and as a Christian she was naturally stumped for answers.

My counter question to that is: If God had so much time to create something as meaningless like that, why did He create humans?

I mean what GOOD are humans? We wreck His creation, break every law ever created, start wars with each other, commit terrible crimes towards our fellow human beings... To cut the long story short, we seem addicted to breaking God's heart. If I were God, I'd wipe the slate clean and start again from scratch. Humans are just too bothersome.

But He didn't. He didn't wipe us out.

Do you know why?

Because He loves us so much, He was willing to even experience death to become closer to us.
John 3:16, ""For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." [NIV]

Let's face it. If you were God, would you create something meaningless just because someone nudged you (and called you a loser when you didn't)? Or would you create something that you will cherish forever, something that you would be willing to die for?