
Something in my heart a Really LoNg TIME.

It was just another email by a friend. But the contents got my blood boiling over. It was all because a bloody fellow at Utusan by the name of Zaini Hassan.

The worst part was that Blogger doesn't work at all in China where I was for a couple of weeks for a short academic programme.

OK, Mr Zaini. I'll tell you what MALAYSIANS with brains want. Not just Chinese you bigot.

We want a government that works for us and not a government that doles out goodies when the time for election is here.
We want a government that doesn't segregate the people based on race and religion.
In short, we want a government that is FAIR, and we certainly do not need racist bigots like you to tell us to be grateful.

And FYI, all of us pay taxes. No one should be made to be grateful to the government. It is their bounden duty to help the people of the country. They are violating the peoples trust when they fail to do so.

What you are doing, Mr. Zaini, is inciting unnecessary racial hatred amongst Utusan readers. People like you are the real sampah masyarakat.

P.S.: I don't read Utusan at all because it is a racist paper and I believe most people know who owns the paper. The only reason I'm able to comment on the buggard's piece is because my friend emailed me Mr. Kee's retort to the outrageous piece of bull crap.
If you don't  support racism, stop buying Utusan. It'll continue printing even if every Malaysian stops reading it and make nasi lemak wrapping as it comes straight out of the printing press.

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