
Dating Tips? The what-not-to-do's.

Diverging from the usual sarcasm on issues to a personal matter which occurred within the week.
This is (I believe) an education to all.

Class in session.

Lesson 1:
When someone says "I don't like you in a romantic way.", it really means "I don't like you in a romantic way". It's a no-brainer, unless of course, you, or the other party, is mentally and intellectually retarded.
FIY, there is no such thing as "he/she's just shy." That so-called shyness only happens in fictional work, especially animes.

Lesson 2:
Suggestion for a "one on one" date can only happen IF you have known each other for quite some time, which can defined as 2-4 weeks (for frequent meetings) til 200 years (for constant meet-ups).
Suggestions for such dates after only knowing someone within the hour of meeting that person strongly suggests that you're not really into the person. It says you're DYING to GET LAID.
This is especially if the suggestion was made after dark.

Lesson 3:
In any case you suggest having a meal together, for Pete's sake, EAT. Watching someone else eat when you suggested that unnecessary meal is downright RUDE.

Lesson 4:
When the person avoids eye-contact and gets you to talk a lot, without giving out much info about his/herself, take the hint.

Lesson 5:
When the person declines every single offer to go out the next time, with or without a plausible excuse, take the hint.

Lesson 6:
Thou shalt get the number of the person thou art like, but thou art not allowed to ask what time is most convenient to call that poor soul.
Unless you two are officially a couple.
Then again you wouldn't have to ask anyways.

Good endings in these kinds of setting only happens:
  1. When both are mutually VERY attracted to each other.
  2. Animes
  3. Movies
  4. Fictional works in general
  5. In your dreams.
Lesson 7:
Do not touch unnecessarily. Be it hands, feet or anywhere else, really. It's spells lewdness. Accidents are accidents, but full on grabbing at least half of the hand every single time isn't.

Last but not least:
Lesson 8:
Chivalry/ Politesse/General courtesy is NEVER lost on anyone.
An unrefined soul may find it odd, even offensive at first, but I think it's quite obvious why Neanderthals don't exist anymore, no?

End of class. You're dismissed, hopefully with the lessons intact in your mind and actions.
Thank you.

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