From what I see and feel. Not to be associated with people I'm affiliated with. Brickbats are welcome. Haters can have teh tarik.
Sometimes I wonder if how does our country continue to get foreign investors when issues on competent governance crops up every now and then.
For this issue, PM Najib said it was to be released but look how blatantly his words are disregarded! Whatever happened to the hierarchy of power? and since when Home Affairs became the Islamic board?
At the end of the day, it just boils down to heart. If you are not willing, you can sit there til the cow come home, yet still nothing will be done.
Are Christians making an unnecessary fuss over the stamping of the Alkitab?
Xavier Gomez said (and I agree):
the Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein acknowledged that the Bibles were stamped, and insists that this was standard practice and not meant to deface the books. his statement is incorrect, untrue and misleading.
the Christian community and its representative bodies have never agreed to any wording to be endorsed on Bibles to say that it is only meant for Christians. it is an escalation, interference and subjugation of Malaysian Christians and their right to conduct religious education and worship freely.
Malaysian Christians of both Protestant and Catholic persuasions are deeply hurt and outraged at the Malaysian Home Ministry’s action of desecration of over 5,100 copies of the Al-Kitab (Bible) stamped with serial numbers, government seals and warnings that the books are meant for Christians only.
it is a violation of Article 8 and Article 11 of the Malaysian Federal Constitution and the enshrined rights of Malaysian Christians to practice their faith. this is the first time in Malaysian history that Scriptures of Christians have been deemed illegal and a security threat.
any person who respects the Holy Scriptures of any religion would be appalled by such action. The Christian community in Malaysia has always acted in good faith and with great patience to find amicable solutions without compromising their fundamental beliefs.
that good faith has not been reciprocated by the Government. “it is the government that has moved the goal posts over the years through a systematic imposition of unreasonable conditions and restrictions.” (CFM). Christians are horrified by the arrogance of the Home Ministry and its officials and the contemptuous act of defacing the Alkitab is both sacrilegos and a step towards subjugation.
such conditions that belittle Christian faith and religion and which contravene religious freedom and the federal constitution should not be allowed to become a precedent. Christianss should not be made subject to accept Muslim views on Christianity and its practice and matters of faith as normative, or link the Alkitab row to the Catholic Church’s court case on the right to use “Allah” — the Arabic word for God — in its newspaper.
the Alkitab and the “Allah” court case are separate issues; and the federal government is unauthorised to ban the Alkitab under the law. Such developments as Christianity being singled out as a threat is unacceptable, as there are no such conditions imposed on the holy books of other religions, including Islam.
the Bible detentions are not the only difficulties which churches face in resolving key religious liberty issues with government authorities. we have repeatedly encountered restrictions that ran contrary to the guarantee of religious freedom provided in the Federal Constitution.
furthermore, under the 18 Point Agreement for Sarawak in the formation of Malaysia, it is clearly stated that there is no official religion for Sarawak. therefore the detention of the Bibles at the Kuching Port is not only unconstitutional but it also violates the spirit of the agreement for Sarawak to participate in the formation of Malaysia.
it must be borne in mind then that the matter is first and foremost a matter of law. I am glad that the church in Malaysia is stirring and speaking up against what is clearly unfair and unconstitutional.
followers of Jesus Christ will never respond with violence. but we can speak up for what is true and right.Christians are called to think and act clearly, and these are times not to ‘spiritualise’ such issues, but to walk faithfully and to be unapologetically, the church.
The bible calls us to: Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly;defend the rights of the poor and needy.(Proverbs 31:8-9 NIV).
as Dr Soo Inn Tan had recently asked in his commentary on ‘graceworks,’ “Has the church been stirred to merely speak up for her own concerns or are we committed to being agents of the Kingdom of God, speaking up on behalf of all deprived of their basic rights? “Is the church as excited about speaking up for tribal groups who have been cheated and bullied?
how about the many refugees in the land? do we even see them?” the only reason for evil to prevail is for those who know the truth to be apathetically politically-correct. now is not the time to remain silent or play church.
I want you to take a look at: Are Christians making an unnecessary fuss over the stamping of the Alkitab? | The Micah Mandate : Mandat Mikha
Straight Talk: Reader's Feedback on the Recent Sex Video
Check out I did not speak out | The Micah Mandate : Mandat Mikha
I want you to take a look at: I did not speak out | The Micah Mandate : Mandat Mikha
Just wanted to share with you all, cos i found this to be especially true. We have to use our right to speak even though some component try to shut us up. Because if we don't start now, we will wake up one day and suddenly realize we cannot voice out anymore.
A collection of news articles on the Malay Bible issue.
Seems immature to me. But what do I know? I'm only a 20-something.
Mar 16, 11
Also stamped onto the Bibles were areas to print serial numbers.
In a statement issued late this afternoon, the importer said that it was informed that the ministry had done so when a ministry representative called them to collect the shipment.
"At 5pm today, KDN informed Bible Society of Malaysia that they had already (stamped) the Bibles and asked Bible Society of Malaysia to come collect the Bibles," it said.
"As the Bible is the holy book of the Christians, due respect should be given to it by consulting the relevant Christian representative organs before any external text is inserted into the Bibles," said the society.
It added that it was "alarmed" by the notification and is now urging the ministry to stop stamping the Bibles with such wordings.
An urgent letter was also faxed to the Home Ministry secretary-general Mahmood Adam urging for a negotiation of the terms of the Bibles' release that will not "mencerobohi maruah (violate the dignity) of the holy books".
Putrajaya had decided to release the Bibles from impoundment yesterday, claiming that it is upholding an 1982 Internal Security Act gazette allowing the import of Malay-language Bibles.
Mar 16, 11
The two conditions, conveyed by the Home Ministry to the importer of the copies in Kuching, were that each copy should carry a serial number and should be stamped 'For Christians Only'.
"The two conditions smack of crass forms of censorship redolent of the communist era when reading material was the monopoly of the reigning oligarchy," decried Bishop Paul.
"The two conditions are flatly unacceptable to Christians who are duty bound to bring the good news of salvation to all who want to listen.
"In Malaysia, we draw a line on this dissemination where Muslims are concerned because the law of the land prohibits proselytising among Muslims.
"In this respect, we defer to Caesar what Caesar has legislated but the two tacked on stipulations in this instance are egregious and flatly unacceptable."
The 30,000 copies, costing US$26,400, were printed in Indonesia for distribution to churches, schools and longhouses mostly in Betong and Saratok areas.
Bishop Paul described the two conditions as akin to releasing a prisoner who has been unjustifiably detained and then slapping him with a restricted residence order.
"After telling the prisoner that he is free, you tell him that he has to stay indoors between dusk to dawn," he said.
"You may as well put him back in prison," chided the prelate.
Consignee won't collect Malay Bible shipment yet Nazri: BM Bible only for East Malaysia
DAP says 'No' to serial number on Malay Bible
Bibles released: BN's interests override values
Do not confuse religion with
Mar 16, 11
Met at his office in Parliament today, Nazri said unlike West Malaysia, East Malaysia does not have state laws which bars the holy book.
Asked why the Bible in Sarawak were detained in the first place, he professed that he himself is in the dark.
"I don't know. It shouldn't have been (like this). To me la because there are no laws there in Sabah and Sarawak, no enactment. In Peninsula Malaysia cannot. Because there is an enactment," he said.
"The bibles in Sarawak shouldn't have been confiscated," he said, but stressed that the 5,100 copies of the same holy book held by customs at Port Klang were in violation of the law.
"To me if you allow the bible in port klang to be released, then what you are doing is against the law because these are Indonesian bibles and I know for sure they use the word Allah as a reference to God, which is against the enactments in the Peninsula states except for Penang and Federal Territories," argued Nazri.
Nazri clarified that his decision is not prejudiced in any way, but is in accord with his reading of the law.
"I'm not talking about what I think, I'm saying what the laws are in the states... Well you have laws and how can you go against them? These are all laws you know, it's not just a practise," he reasoned.
Nazri warned that the laws cannot be compromised nor questioned even if some in the Christian community are unhappy with it.
"You cannot use sentiments and say 'oh certain Christian groups are jittery and unhappy'. That doesn't mean you can break the law," said the minister.
He reasoned that even the federal government can't override the law, especially since this particular concerns Islam which is under the exclusive purview of the state.
"So when it comes to this, the state Islamic enactments are the laws that should govern this issue. You cannot in one instance follow the law and if it doesn't suit you, you don't follow the law," reminded Nazri.
Quiized about the recent conflicting comments by the home minister that the Bibles were not released because it may be subjudice to a pending court case and the attorney-general's dismissal of any relation between the bibles and the ongoing government appeal against the use of the word "Allah", Nazri said he was "confused" himself.
“And then the AG made a statement saying it's not subjudice so I don't understand," said Nazri, adding that the cabinet shall meet to resolve the issue this Friday.
Mar 16, 11
The church leaders have advised the consignee not to collect the copies for the time being, as they want further clarification from the ministry on conditions imposed for the release of the shipment.
The consignee received a letter from ministry secretary-general Zaiton Abdul Samad, faxed to him at 6.26pm yesterday.
The letter directed him to collect the copies today, and stated the two conditions.
The consignee said he had sought the advice of the church leaders this morning.
“They told me not to go ahead as they wanted to seek clarification of the two conditions,” he told Malaysiakini.
“While they agree that the Bible is not for Muslims, they are of the view that non-Christians who are not Muslims can get themselves or the church into trouble if they have the Bible in their possession.
“With the restriction, we cannot share God's words with non-Christians who are not Muslims."
Missionary work 'hampered'
He said the restriction would hamper Christian missionaries in their work.
The consignee said there are thousands of non-Muslim Dayaks in rural Sarawak waiting to hear God's words from the missionaries.
“This is the point that the church leaders want the Home Ministry to explain,” he said.
The consignee said the church leaders also questioned the rationale of stamping a serial number in each copy.
“The church leaders are in the dark about this serial number,” he added.
The consignment arrived at Kuching Port on Jan 11, but the consignee was advised against taking it out the following day as the copies contain the word 'Allah'.
The 30,000 copies, costing US$26,400, were printed in Indonesia for distribution to churches, schools and longhouses mostly in Betong and Saratok areas.
He had stated that the law, in force since 1982, required such books to carry a stamp that reads 'For Christians only'.
“Since 1982, with this gazette, there have been no problems in its implementation," Idris, a Sidang Injil Borneo (SIB) follower, had said.
“As such, taking into account this fact, the government has decided to apply the 1982 gazette and release the copies of the Bible accordingly.”
He had also stressed that the federal government is committed to resolving any inter-faith conflict by way of dialogue.
“This (the release of the copies) is a reasonable compromise in managing the polarities of views between Christians and Muslims in the country,” he had stated.
Two days ago, the Sarawak Ministers Fellowship had demanded the immediate release of the Bible.
Its chairperson, Daron Tan, had said that the grouping views the impoundment as another blunt violation and unconstitutional curtailment of the religious liberty of the Christians, who make up of 43 percent of Sarawak's 2.6 million population
Treat us in the way we have treated you, please.
Address: 10, Jalan 11/9, Section 11, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Telephone: (03) 7957 1278, (03) 7957 1463, Fax: (03) 7957 1457
17th March 2011
The Christian community in Malaysia is deeply hurt that the Government has desecrated and defaced the Bible.
Initial news that the Government had agreed to release copies of the Bible in Bahasa Malaysia which had been impounded in both Port Klang and Kuching was greeted with joy.
However, this joy soon turned into grief and mourning when it was discovered that the release was subject to certain conditions. Each copy has to be stamped with a serial number, the official seal of the relevant department of the Bahagian Kawalan Penerbitan Dan Teks Al-Quran, and the words “by order of the Minister of Home Affairs”.
This means that the Bahasa Malaysia Bible is now treated as a restricted item, and the Word of God has been made subject to the control of man. This is wholly offensive to Christians. Any person who respects the Holy Scriptures of any religion would be appalled by this action.
The Christian community in Malaysia has always acted in good faith and with great patience to find amicable solutions without compromising our fundamental beliefs. But that good faith has not been reciprocated by the Government. It is the Government that has moved the “goal posts” over the years through a systematic imposition of unreasonable conditions and restrictions.
We have never agreed to any wording to be endorsed on Bibles to say that it is only for Christians. The 1982 order issued under the Internal Security Act 1960 did not state that any form of words had to be endorsed on any copy of the Bible in Bahasa Malaysia.
The latest letter from the Ministry of Home Affairs dated 15 March 2011 is therefore a set of new conditions imposed on the release of the impounded Bibles which is wholly unacceptable to us. We will never accede to any desecration of the Bible since the Word of God to us is sacred.
We also wholly reject the Government’s contention that the Bible in Bahasa Malaysia is prejudicial to the national interest and security of Malaysia, and treated as a subversive publication.
As Christians we wonder how our Holy Scriptures can become a national security threat where countless number of us find it helpful in bringing hope and healing to broken lives and homes which we can testify to. Besides it commands us to be better citizens of our beloved nation.
We therefore insist that the Government withdraw the conditions imposed on the release of the Bibles impounded in Port Klang and Kuching. Given that copies may already have been endorsed, we will NOT take delivery of those endorsed copies.
We call on all Malaysians, from Semenanjung and in Sabah and Sarawak, and from all walks of life, to come together in unity to reject any attempt to restrict the freedom of religion in our beloved country.
We invite all Christians in Malaysia to remain calm and to continue to pray for a dignified and respectful resolution of this issue. As Sunday 20 March 2011 marks the 2nd anniversary of the impounding of the Bibles at Port Klang, we call on all those in Malaysia and elsewhere to dedicate themselves to a day of prayer and quiet reflection.
Yours sincerely,
Bishop Ng Moon Hing
Chairman and the Executive Committee,
Christian Federation of Malaysia
A clarion call to the Christians in Malaysia
From an email
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it does not change a damn thing.
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